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Dining Hall in Camp Kirk
A Word About Us

Lions Clubs Camp Kirk Foundation (LCCKF) is a  registered charitable organization that owns and maintains a camp property just east of the Village of Kirkfield, Ontario on Highway 48. The 100 acre property is owned, built and maintained by the Lions clubs in District A-16.

The camp consists of 22 buildings: a dining hall, a washroom building including laundry facilities, a Camp Director's cabin, a nursing/administration office, an arts and crafts building, a science building, 14 sleeping cabins, a maintenance building and a swimming pool, along with a recreational building.

Lions Clubs Camp Kirk Foundation has 26 Directors - 9 elected from District A-16 at large, 8 from Lions Honourary Committee for a 3 year terms and 8 from the sitting A-16 District Officers for a 1 year term.

Financial support for upkeep of the camp property comes from many generous donations from the Lions family of District A-16 and other Districts as well. Our annual fundraising projects include our 50/50 draw, steak BBQ draw, golf tournament, silent auction, off season rentals and sale of camp clothing and memorabilia.

Lions Clubs Camp Kirk Foundation Fellowships and Life Memberships are another source of income and available to recognize service from members as well as community supporters. Many clubs throughout MD-A purchase these to recognize and appreciate the service and efforts of members and local individuals who assist them throughout the year.

LCCKF ( is a registered, charitable organization. All donations are most welcome and appreciated; receipts for tax purposes are issued.

In 1994, District Lioness President Mary Peters initiated “The Children of Camp Kirk Fund” for clubs and individuals to donate to help cover the cost of qualifying children to attend, whose parents could not afford
the cost involved. The fund continues annually to assist these families.

The summer camping program runs from early June until late August by Friends of the Learning Disabled-Camp Kirk, an organization that focuses on supporting the needs of children with learning disabilities, attention deficit disorders, and high functioning autism. For more information about Friends of the Learning Disabled-Camp Kirk. Although both groups work together to support the summer program, they are two distinct different entities when it pertains to fundraising.

The camp property is available for use before and after the summer season by groups who are carefully selected and sponsored by a Lions/Lioness Club. To inquire about property rentals, please contact the Chairperson J. Carl Young at 705 799-6695  or email


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Lions Clubs Camp Kirk Foundation

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