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Roger Larocque Memorial Ride for Youth


Greetings Fellow Lions:

This is our 13th Annual Ride. Cost of registration is a donation. There are prizes, awards, a BBQ and fun to be had by All.

Proceeds go to Lions Clubs Camp Kirk Foundation (LCCKF) to support our Camp.

If you wish further information please contact Lion Paul Larocque at:


Poker Run.jpg

Roger Larocque Memorial Ride for Youth


Dear fellow Lions,

The newly named (courtesy of the Kawartha Charity Riders) Roger Larocque Memorial Ride for Youth is in support of LCCKF.


The Motorcycle Poker Run was held August 27th, 2022. It started  at the Oakwood Lions Hall.  The registration opened at 9 am and the ride left at 11 am. A route riding through the Kawarthas stopped at the Coboconk Lions Park,  Bobcaygeon Lions Hall and The Fowlers Corners Lions Fireworks lot on Highway  7 and it ended at the Oakwood Lions Hall. 


There was a BBQ for any in attendance. They also sold the new t-shirts for the newly named Ride which are provided by DJ Customs and were available for purchase at $30.00 a shirt (all profits go towards the final donation to LCCKF).


The total donation to LCCKF this year was $3,500.00. They also will be donating an Ontario and Canadian flag for Camp Kirk courtesy of the Bobcaygeon Lions Club. 


I want to thank all Lions, Lioness Lions and Leo's that helped make this event such a success. I want to particularly thank Coboconk, Bobcaygeon and Fowler's Corners Lion Clubs for their gracious welcome at the stops at this event.


Hopefully next year we can raise even more for the foundation.


My Dad, Lion Roger, would have loved to have been there in person but I know he was there in spirit.



Lion Paul Larocque


Oakwood & District Lions Club



Kawartha Charity Riders




Photo by Lion Roger Lacrocque

Lions Clubs Camp Kirk Foundation

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